Install Mastodon using Docker on Linux and expose instance using Cloudflare Tunnels

This post is about the following: Setup Cloudflare Tunnels to access your website publicly without the risks of opening ports on your router. Install Docker and Docker-Compose on Linux. Install Postgres database using Docker. Install Mastodon on Docker Setup Cloudflare Tunnels I have another post on how to setup Cloudflare Tunnels on Linux. Please follow those steps and then return here. Make sure you use port 3000 instead of port 80 as shown in the example config.
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Install cloudflared to set up secure Cloudflare Tunnels for free

I have been using Cloudflare Tunnels increasingly over the last year to securely enable my applications to be reached publicly without having to open firewall ports in my server. However, installing cloudflared and then setting up tunnels is not very straightforward. So, I wanted to develop this tutorial as a way to get tunnels up and running quickly. These steps are tested on Ubuntu 22.04. Step 1: Install cloudflared Let us create env variables first.
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Create a PostgreSQL server and expose it remotely using Lets Encrypt

I have been trying for some days to create a PostgreSQL server and expose it on the web so that it can be accessed by external clients. This is useful to me for hosting several personal projects that require a database. First things first, let’s create our env variables. HOSTNAME="subdomain.domain.tld" # Hostname of your server EMAIL="[email protected]" # Used for Let's Encrypt certificate VERSION="14" # PostgreSQL version NAME="db" # Database name Let’s update our packages now.
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My Git Command Collection

Like many other people, I tend to be frustrated often trying to find the right command while using Git. This document is an attempt to collect as many useful commands from various places on the internet to make commands easier to find in a single location. I used some excellant resources such as this while creating this. Before You Begin It is always a good idea to take a backup of your entire working directory including .
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A Comprehensive Guide to Sorting in Pandas

In order to sort rows in Pandas, you can use the sort_values() function. I have taken examples from this excellant blog. Although it shows a lot of the use cases covered here, the last case is absent pretty much everywhere. In this tutorial, I will be showing how to use Pandas to sort rows based on different criterion. You can run a colab notebook containing all code present in this post by clicking here.
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