About Me

I am a Senior Data Scientist at Walmart Global Tech, based out of Dallas. I am a Masters graduate (Data Science track) from the School of Information, The University of Texas at Austin. I was a part of IDEAL and UT Computational and Imaging Lab there. Previously, I was a research assistant at CeNT working on machine learning and bioinformatics. I like working in natural language processing, predictive analytics and machine learning in general. I completed my masters thesis titled A GPU-accelerated MRI Sequence Simulator for Differentiable Optimization and Learning under the supervision of Dr. Jon Tamir.
A complete list of projects can be found here.
- mri-sim-py.epg: A GPU-accelerated Extended Phase Graph Algorithm for differentiable optimization and learning (Details)
- Answerability Classification Using Hand-Crafted Features (Details)
- geograpy3 (Details, Code)
- Somnath Rakshit, A GPU-accelerated MRI Sequence Simulator for Differentiable Optimization and Learning. MS Thesis, Spring 2021. (PDF)
- Somnath Rakshit, Ke Wang, and Jon Tamir, “A GPU-accelerated Extended Phase Graph Algorithm for differentiable optimization and learning”. ISMRM 2021. (Paper, Slides)
- Nilavra Bhattacharya, Somnath Rakshit, Jacek Gwizdka, Paul Kogut (2020). Relevance Prediction from Eye-movements Using Semi-interpretable Convolutional Neural Networks. CHIIR 2020. (Paper, Blog, Video, Slides)
- Michał Denkiewicz, Indrajit Saha, Somnath Rakshit, Jnanendra Prasad Sarkar, Dariusz Plewczynski, Identification of Breast Cancer subtype specific MicroRNAs using Survival Analysis to find their role in transcriptomic regulation, Frontiers in genetics (2019). (Paper)
- Namrata Pant, Somnath Rakshit, Sushmita Paul, Indrajit Saha, Genome-wide analysis of multi-view data of miRNA-seq to identify miRNA biomarkers for stomach cancer, Journal of biomedical informatics (2019). (Paper)
- Akash Doshi, Alexander Issa, Puneet Sachdeva, Sina Rafati, Somnath Rakshit (2020). “Deep Stock Predictions”. (Paper)
- Somnath Rakshit, Soumyadeep Debnath, Dhiman Mondal (2018). “Identifying Land Patterns from Satellite Imagery in Amazon Rainforest using Deep Learning”. (Paper)
Year | Institution | Degree | Subject |
2019-2021 | The University of Texas at Austin | M.S. | Information Studies |
2014-2018 | Jalpaiguri Government Engineering College | B. Tech | Computer Science and Engineering |